Permit Approved for ‘AVENUE - Brighton East’
Permit Approved for ‘AVENUE - Brighton East’
14 September 2018
We are pleased to announce our permit application for nine townhomes in Gleniffer Ave has been approved with no significant conditions in under five months from the application date.
All potential issues that could impact on neighbours and the local community were anticipated early in the concept design. Although there were several community objections to the proposal, each concern was discussed one-on-one and all objectors withdrew their objection prior to the consultation date without any alterations to the proposal.
This outcome was only possible due to the extensive efforts of the design and planning team to mitigate these issues prior to submitting the permit application. For many people, the dozens of pages of the permit application and plans can be difficult to decipher. Working with each objector, we were able to show how each issue was legitimate but had already been considered and a measured design response had been applied.
We take the neighbourhood response and the opportunity to consult with the local community very personally and we are delighted to be able to provide a beautifully designed addition to Gleniffer Avenue that is embraced by the local residents.
Registrations are open. Be the first to secure a place at AVENUE. All pre-registrations will receive the first invitation to buy prior to the public launch.
View Avenue here.